January has flown by so quickly...right? At the beginning of 2017 I made a simple list of several goals I have for this year. Of course at the top of the list was a goal to focus on my physical health. This year, I decided to approach this goal differently. Rather than setting a specific amount of weight that I wanted to lose I set a goal of truly changing my habits and to have better overall health. So far...I'm doing pretty good. I've been working out with a friend of mine 4 days a week and trying to eat lower carb and higher protein. The scale won't budge (annoying) but 4 weeks in and I already feel stronger, have more energy and I can tell I just feel much better.
I read a study that said 90% of people that make New Year's Resolutions have already broken them by January 15th. I think to stick with your goals they need to be realistic to start with. It's so easy to get discouraged when you start out really motivated and then after several days of consistency you just don't see the results you had dreamed of in your mind. We live in a society inundated with opportunities for fast results. The diet industry is a $64 billion industry with a massive profit margin that I'm partially responsible for. We see the before and after images and naively think that a magic pill will help us have the figure of our dreams. In reality we all know once you hit a certain age and your metabolism slows down (if you are young and rolling your eyes I was you at one time and trust me it happens) there is NO quick fix. It will absolutely have to be a combo of diet AND excise to have a healthy life and it takes TIME.
In Bible school when I was 19 I wrote a phrase down in the front of my bible that one of my teachers said. I wrote, "Preparation time is never wasted time." Over the years I have probably read and thought of that phrase at least 1,000 times. It resonates with me in so many ways. What I've come to realize in my life is that everything is preparation. Yes, even the mundane tasks, the seemingly pointless days, the 20th load of laundry you've done in a week, the extra reps your trainer makes you do, the co-worker you choose to forgive and the moments you set aside to spend with God. He sees you. He's ultimately continuing to teach you and prepare you for opportunities He has lined up for you to be a light, influence and encouragement to others. We don't know when or how but our job is to be faithful in the process. I want to encourage you today there is a purpose beyond your circumstance and God is preparing YOU for what He has prepared FOR you! It's not too late to start fresh. Go ahead and open a new planner or get a fresh sheet of paper and write some realistic goals. Decide you are willing to submit to the process even if the results come slowly. Determine to make this year a year that you grow more than ever before in every area even if it's a little bit at a time.
By the way, I posted a new YouTube video that can bring even more encouragement to help you accomplish your goals this year **click the link below☺️.
Let's do this together!!!
If you are looking for a cute and helpful planner like the one I have (pictured above) check out
Rifle Paper Co. They are my favorite❤️ **I would love to know some of your goals for this year so comment below☺️ Have a blessed day~ Amy
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